Friday, March 12, 2010

do you watch family i do but did you kown that family guy was once canceled but then fans demand that people put t back then it came back on that why if you haven't notice family guy stop given new esp. like one year ago but it all good know cause they come out with new esp. every sunday at 9:00 .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary? when it showed the guy with the knifes in his noise

2. Name at least three reasons why people get pierces. because they follow other people or there parent get it for them when they are young and then some people just do it cause they want it .

3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring? yes some pierces make people look crazy and some look stupid

4. Is there such a thing as too many pierces? yes

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