Thursday, June 18, 2009

1) How is Ayiti different from 3rd World Farmer? it is different from third world farmer because you have to look after four or five kids and How is it the same? you can farm in both of them

2) What strategies did you use? For example, did you combine work and school, or did you send everyone to work?every on worked and when they got sick i sent them to the hosiptal

i did not sent no on to school.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

robots right

i think they should try to make robot that can feel and love . it just want happens when the moms or dads die's the robot with still be a lil kid and i know some moms want to have a lil kid forever but some times they have to let go and if they get this they will have a lil boy forever unless they take it apart.

i think robots should be giving rights but it does not matter cause all that robots have to do is download it in to his hard drive or brain and they dont feel pain and they do not care if they get tortured

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i still need to add some cards but it is almost done i need destiny draw ,
destiny hero end dragoon, some more but don't know the name by heart.

destiny hero- dread servant -2
destiny hero -blade master-2
destiny hero - captain tenacious-2
destiny hero- doom lord-3
destiny hero- double dude-2
destiny hero - departed
destiny hero- dread master
destiny hero - fear monger
destiny hero- plasma
destiny hero- dasher
destiny hero- dogma


destiny hero- signal-2
dark deal
d chain
destiny mirage

d- formation
snatch steal
reinforcement of army
lighting vortex
dark city
clock tower prison
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