Wednesday, October 15, 2008

teens made to work in the usa

I just watched this video that talk about how teen are put to work and still go to school most teen drop out because they don't have the energy to do both so they drop out of school because their family need the money and can't a ford for their teen to go to school so they give the one that does not give money to them. but know their is this program that lets the teen go to school and still have money it called met they pay the kid for going to school so they can still go to school and give their family half so that they can stay in school and get their high school diploma

1 comment:

MrSullivan said...

Exactly! Adults who work on farms are paid so little they cannot "afford" to send their kids to school - even when school is free! The children (often teens) have to work to help support the family, but end up harming themselves in the long wrong by falling behind in school. The MET program has a pretty smart idea, paying kids to go back to school, don't you think?

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