Wednesday, October 8, 2008

did u know they are child labor i the usa

did u know that we have child labor in the usa yes it true we do they work on farms for like 12 hours and get paid 2 a day or hour imagine working on a fled all day and just pick potato and grapes corn and at the end of the the day u get 24 dollar and u have to pay for cloths food give some to your mom and dad and aunts and uncles and if u have more family and u have to pay for medicine at the end of the week u will have no money for your self you will get like two dollars but you u are working u get no water no food and if you are working to slow they fire u right on the spot .

1 comment:

MrSullivan said...

Exactly! Not only children, but adults too get paid so little doing this work - not even enough to live a decent life, which is why their children often have to join them in the fields. People like everything cheap, but I wonder if people knew about the problem - would they be willing to pay a little more to help the workers who harvested their food?

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